Brenda V. from the City of Kitchener: I currently drive my kids to school on my way to work. It’s so much easier to just tell the kids to get in the van, than to get organized and schedule a little extra time to bike. I submitted an application for the Bike2Work Challenge because my avid cyclist husband has been trying to convince me for years to be a good example to the kids and bike to school / work. I always had lots of excuses as to why I couldn’t bike and needed to drive. Most recently, the excuse was that I didn’t have a bike (I conveniently gave mine to our growing twelve year old daughter). I’ve always known the benefits of biking to work, and as happens every Spring, I started to feel some guilt for not being a better role model. So, I submitted an entry for the Bike2Work challenge and thought, I probably won’t win, but I can tell my husband I tried, and ease my guilt. Imagine my shock when I received notification that I was chosen to participate in the challenge! Well, the excuses are over now, so it’s time to get the bike gang organized. Who knows, I might end up enjoying the ride. Wish me luck, and don’t mock me if I have helmet head.
Eric M. from Google: I was thrilled a few weeks ago to start a job in downtown Kitchener, only about a kilometre and a half from my house. After many years driving from Kitchener to one of the remote Waterloo tech-park areas, it is great to be working in a more urban setting. I've been enjoying walking to work, but I had been thinking about getting a bike when the challenge came up. Biking will shorten my commute, as well as give me more flexibility to run errands at lunchtime and after work. I enjoy biking, but for me this is about a fast, easy and environmentally sensible commute."
Meghan K. from Communitech: Nothing feels better than a bit of exercise to start your day, and that’s just one reason I’m excited to be a part of the Bike2Work Challenge! Not only will I commute to and from work, I will take this opportunity to give my car a break on the evenings and weekends as well. In the month of June I hope to: 1) Discover a new passion (I haven’t done a lot of biking in the past), 2) Be less lethargic in the mornings (hopefully, in turn, require less caffeine), and 3) Reduce my carbon footprint. My concerns for the challenge? Tardiness and helmet-head.… Wish me luck!
Kyle A. from Desire2Learn: When I first applied to the Bike2Work challenge, I imagined that it would be an opportunity to spend some time outside before work, reduce my carbon footprint, and get healthier all at the same time. Once I found out that I was chosen as a participant, I started to think about how much I could do with a new bike. As a person who loves to spend time outside, I'm very excited for the opportunity to explore areas of the city that I haven't seen on the way to and from work. Additionally, I'm looking forward to sharing the experience with others so that they might see how great it could be to start biking instead of sitting in a car. I've already started researching new areas that I could explore around the KW area and can't wait to go on some longer leisurely rides. It may be difficult and frustrating at times, but I'm ready to get on my bike and ride. Challenge Accepted.

Eric M. from Google: I was thrilled a few weeks ago to start a job in downtown Kitchener, only about a kilometre and a half from my house. After many years driving from Kitchener to one of the remote Waterloo tech-park areas, it is great to be working in a more urban setting. I've been enjoying walking to work, but I had been thinking about getting a bike when the challenge came up. Biking will shorten my commute, as well as give me more flexibility to run errands at lunchtime and after work. I enjoy biking, but for me this is about a fast, easy and environmentally sensible commute."
Meghan K. from Communitech: Nothing feels better than a bit of exercise to start your day, and that’s just one reason I’m excited to be a part of the Bike2Work Challenge! Not only will I commute to and from work, I will take this opportunity to give my car a break on the evenings and weekends as well. In the month of June I hope to: 1) Discover a new passion (I haven’t done a lot of biking in the past), 2) Be less lethargic in the mornings (hopefully, in turn, require less caffeine), and 3) Reduce my carbon footprint. My concerns for the challenge? Tardiness and helmet-head.… Wish me luck!

Terri R. from the City of Kitchener: I think this challenge is a great idea! When I found out that I was selected to participate in this challenge I was ecstatic! Sometimes all it takes is an opportunity like this to inspire people to get involved. Knowing there are 11 other bikers doing this challenge with me will give me the confidence and support that I need to prove to myself how easy it really is to bike in to work on a regular basis. I feel that the challenge is long enough to develop a habit so that biking would just become the norm for me. I am currently getting dropped off and picked up at work and that means that my eco footprint has doubled since it now takes two trips to get me to and from work each day. Double the fumes, double the cost of gas, it is not something I want to continue. As a bonus, biking in to work will also give me the opportunity to get some physical activity. It is a win, win situation! I am so excited to do this challenge, a little nervous yet, but looking forward to it!

Alan P. from Google: I am thrilled to be chosen to participate in this challenge. As a father of two kids that are under the age of 4, I don't have a lot of time to get into shape, so I am really looking forward to the 35 minute ride twice a day - at least that's how long Google Maps thinks it'll take me but I expect it to take longer the first few times! Often the choice to do something good for the environment comes at a cost, but in this case it's a win-win situation. I am really hoping to establish a routine that I can carry on through the summer and fall - I'll think about winter later.
Greg K. from the City of Kitchener: I am delighted to be appointed to the City of Kitchener team. I so want to “get the lead out” and do more cycling. Since I need to be out at the Kitchener Operatations Facility approximately every 2 or 3 days, I’m committed to making that trek by bike. Improved fitness, fresh air and the element of challenge all combine to have me looking forward to the month of June in the Bike2Work Challenge!
Laura M. from Desire2Learn: I am so excited to have been chosen as a participant in the Bike2Work challenge. I try to stay as active as possible but, like so many of us, work and life have a habit of getting in the way from time to time. Taking part in this challenge means that each morning I have an opportunity to start my day healthy and happy. There is no better feeling than getting in a bike ride or run in the early morning and this is the perfect kick start to a new routine. I am so excited to finally have a bike. Now I can leave the car at home and tell all of you about my adventures as I make my way to the office. This year I will be getting married…so thank you KW for this opportunity to bike to work and for making sure my dress still fits for our big day! I hope that through my blog I will be able to inspire others to join us, biking to work and leaving the car at home.”
Brendan L. from Communitech: I’m very excited to be selected for the bike2work challenge for 2012. I applied for many reasons including continuing the healthy lifestyle, but more importantly I want to use this as an opportunity to assist other cyclists and potential commuters in developing the infrastructure desperately needed for a safe, simple ride to work each day. Through this study I hope that thousands of people benefit and the City of Kitchener takes a stand in helping develop the culture of commuting to work by means other than a motor vehicle. I already commute via bicycle, but this is the push I need to step it up to fully commit. With the proper tools and equipment, I can easily accomplish almost all of my needs for myself and in my position at Communitech. I look forward to the month of June and my goal is to ride all but one of the work days in the month. Looking forward to it!!
Chantal J. from Desire2Learn: I remember the moment I first learned I would be a participant in the Bike2Work Challenge. The instant I clicked the email notification, a chorus of angels burst into song and rays of holy light shone from my monitor. As I processed the words and realized I had been selected, fireworks shot into the sky to orchestral music as an audience roared in cheer.* Since that faithful moment, like a child waiting for Santy-Claus, I have been counting down the days until Challenge: Day 1. I’m sure there are many obstacles waiting for me, but I can’t wait to put my foot to the pedal and do my friends Ms. Health, Mr. Wallet and Captain Planet a favour. Bring it on! * Some of the details of this may not be wholly or even vaguely accurate; my memories are slightly tainted with a haze of happiness.”
Ashok R. from Google: When I heard about the Bike2Work Challenge, I immediately jumped at the opportunity! I took upon the challenge of biking to work this year as one of my fitness goals. By joining this Bike2Work Challenge I give myself another reason to motivate myself and stick to the challenge.
I have also been meaning to write more on my personal blog, but have not had the chance to. This will give me another reason to keep writing and share my experiences with other bikers! I believe there is a large biking community in Kitchener and this challenge is a great way to bring us together, share our experiences and teach each other, whether it's about safety, bike maintenance, or even a new bike path that others aren't aware of. I'm looking forward to taking on the challenge :).
Kayleigh P. from Communitech: For the first time in a long time I’m not commuting to work – I now live less than 5km away from my office. Driving my car daily seems like such a waste of money and time. It takes ten minutes for me to drive and park and walk to my desk, and it takes ten minutes for me to bike directly to my office. I’d rather spend those ten minutes outside in the summertime – especially as the forecasters are promising a nice hot summer. I’m a little nervous about road biking though – I’ve biked mainly on trails for the last few years, and am out of practice of biking alongside cars. I understand the experience is just like riding a bike – you never forget!
Just signed up for the bike challenge - lucky for me it is downhill in the morning.......