Monday, 18 June 2012

Bicycle Rider...

For my blog this week, I thought I would share what my ride to work is like via video. I travel down Lancaster and then Victoria St. on some of the busier roads in the region for sure. I don't normally travel this way, but just for the perspective, I decided this should be the way to go.

It's important I think to note that even though these are busy roads, they are safe for travel on a bicycle. Confidence is key to ensuring you fit into a ride like this.
Sorry that most of the video if boring, but hey, I would rather it was!

-- Brendan L., Communitech


  1. Brendan, very cool ... go pro? Love the 20 inch bike lanes at 1:20. What street is that?
    And kind of missed the guy the tried to hit you. Next time demo wearing a suit and tie on the bike rather than the alien outfit :)

  2. It was a cold morning! normally I am in regular shorts and a shirt :) The tiny bike lanes are on Lancaster near Bridge.

    Not a GoPro! Actually just my regular camera mounted via a bolt and an old light mount. Pretty handy!

  3. Loved watching this. Thanks so much for sharing this.

  4. Thanks for this, Brendan! I made a similar video when I was in Copenhagen and it really showed how exceptional the cycling infrastructure is over there. Keep it up and I hope other participants will consider filming their commutes as well!
