So, the first commute. On a road. Not going to lie, I was kind of terrified, considering I would be on an insy-little bike beside them big, metal carfolk. I mean, let’s face it: as much as I can pretend I’m a truck or something and hum revved engine sounds, I can’t go nearly as fast and if we were to meet, the one encased in metal is probably going to be the victor over squishy-squishy me. So basically, as I put on my helmet for the first trek, I solemnly knew that yup, this is how I was going to die and started mentally preparing my will. (I’m a bit dramatic before I have my morning caffeine.)
But, plot twist! I’ve done three bike trips this past week completely without incident and I’m loving it. Today I was biking beside those cars like it ain’t no thang. I’m still very careful (because safety first!), but I’m no longer debating to whom I should bequeath my N64 to before I set out. Baby steps. (Or would it be ‘baby pedals’?)
- Chantal J. from Desire2Learn
ReplyDeleteSorry, but after great thought and consideration, I've decided my N64 will be coming with me to the grave so I can play it in the after life (you know, Pharaoh-style, only sans the bandages, cat statues etc.). But if I should meet an untimely demise, you can have my gameboy. :)