Friday, 15 June 2012

More confidence ... yet still humbling

This week I made the trek out to the Kitchener Operations Facility (KOF) on muggy Monday and had to shower when I got there and again when I returned to City Hall.  (There was simply no escaping this).  It added an hour to my work-day but that was the agreement and I honestly can't wait for the next trips next week.

Feeling more confident and assertive when choosing my traffic lanes and harmonizing with car traffic.  I still need to remember that I am but a mosquito awaiting to be swatted and that I have to be wary of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.   However, the rush of motoring with the top down and the beautiful cooler weather mid-week was amazing.

Yesterday, after a Ziggy's pit-stop, I found myself pedalling down Heins Ave. between Joseph and Courtland/Park.  I saw a skate-boarder up ahead and he was motoring.  I'd like to tell you that I caught up and tailgated him but there was no closing the gap.  Rather humbling - it made me realize we share the roads with other amazing forms of land travel.   I think that speed skateboarding ought to be a showcase event in the next Summer Olympics.

This morning, I almost hit all the green lights to work and I would still say that I arrived sooner than if I had driven my car (assuming hitting red lights).   Of course, this should be possible in a 1K commute  ;-)

Loving this experience.  I'll book more meetings at the KOF to bring my kilometres back into line and I will soon infiltrate the leader board.

Greg K., City of Kitchener

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the great work, Greg! You'll be happy to know that we're adding secure bicycle parking facilities at the KOF - just outside of the showers/change rooms. I'll keep you posted on when these are up and running! - Josh
