Thursday, 21 June 2012

How biking to work is making me less of a coffee addict, less high maintenance, and less neurotic

There have been some surprising benefits to biking to work that I was not expecting…

Side Benefit – Less Coffee Intake

I depend heavily on coffee to help me get going in the morning. It’s partially a dependence on the caffeine boost and partially just a habit. I really like coffee: the smell of it brewing, the first hot gulp from a pretty cup in the morning, and the buzz of energy I feel after a cup. Shockingly, a side benefit to biking to work has been a decrease in my coffee intake. I still have my regular one cup of java at home; however, I no longer have the desire to have the three cups I normally have while at work. By the time I get to work I find that I am wide-awake, my heart is beating, and all I crave is a drink of water.  I just don’t FEEL like another cup of coffee.  I don’t NEED another cup of coffee. And somewhere close by my family doctor is rejoicing.

Side Benefit – Less Stuff

I’m that girl that takes the kitchen sink to work every day. Need a bandaid? I have that in my bag. Need a snack? I have that in my bag. Want a cup of tea? I have three different kinds of loose tea in my bag. Yes I am a compulsive over-packer, and consistently bring at least two bags with me to work every day. And yes, I’m just as bad when I travel long distances. Traveling lightly is not something I do well.  Clearly I tried to over pack the first couple of days while biking. It made sense to me because now I need even MORE items because I need to bring a change of clothes, extra shoes, and toiletries to work on a daily basis.

After a week of my back hurting from trying to load my entire life into my backpack I decided to simplify (a little). I streamlined the toiletry bag, brought only one pair of shoes instead of two, and decided to only carry one hardcover book. Last week was a better ride, but my back was still stiff and frankly sweaty. I gave those pretty, but seemingly small- in-size pannier bags that Ziggy’s gave us a once over. Could I actually fit everything I needed into these tiny little pockets that balanced on the rear of my bike? Shockingly, the answer is YES. My back did not hurt during my ride on Monday, nor did I feel unbalanced with the amount of weight on my bike.

Side Benefit – Inner Peace

Is biking the new yoga? Who knows. All I know is that riding to work without any loud noises (like my ipod if I run or my radio if I drive) lets me clear my head and prepare for the day. Biking without any distractions lets me focus on my thoughts and the sights and sounds around me. There is something to be said for focus on the present and your immediate surroundings. By biking instead of driving I get to wave to an adorably friendly puppy dog on my way to work, chat with a crossing guard, watch gardens bloom, and feel my body work to propel me to and from work. These experiences are far more valuable to me and how I feel each day than I ever imagined. After all, it’s hard to stop and smell the roses when you are speeding by singing badly to the new Beiber song.

All images via Pinterest

By Kayleigh P


  1. Awesome!

    Sounds like you need a bike with a kitchen sink. Well here's one with a lundry tub!!

  2. Good for you, Kayleigh! You make it sound so tempting you may even get me biking! :-D
